Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Cross for Two

Around two thousand years ago a man by the name of Jesus from Galilee, came to this earth. He was born of a woman named Mary, considered to be a virgin, and to Joseph a man who was a common hand worker, or as some believe a carpenter. Jesus Christ was the son of God come to earth as the Messiah, the Savior of the Jewish people.

At close to the age of 30 years old Jesus began his ministry. He gathered close to him men that he encountered along his travels. There were twelve of them in all called, the Disciples. Some of these men were fishermen, tax collectors, people commonly considered to be outcasts to society. The teachings of Jesus were thought to be against the teachings of the Jewish church, as the church saw the men Jesus associated with as sinners, sick, or unworthy. The Jewish church leaders considered Jesus a rebel and feared his teachings would cause people to turn on them. So the religious leaders devised a plan to have Jesus done away with. The religious leaders arranged to have Jesus turned over to them and have him killed. The Pharisees arranged for Judas, one of the twelve, to betray him.

In the days to come Jesus would be condemned to die by Pilate the governor of the area. Jesus would be condemned to die by crucifixion. He would be forced to carry his cross to a place called Golgotha. He had been beaten, whipped and would now be forced to carry his own cross all the way up the hill to the place where he would die. But in the pain he suffered this would prove to be too much for Jesus. Halfway to his destination, Jesus gave out and could no longer bear the weight of his cross. The Gospel tells us that Christ along with the cross fell to the ground. The guards found a man, Simon of Cyrene, who then took the weight of the cross. Simon helped Christ to that place where he would be crucified.

This story is one of sadness but at the same time can be used to give hope to those who need a helping hand. No one, including God said that we had to get through suffering and hard times alone. In this story Christ knows that at the end of his journey with the cross will be to the end of his life. He knows that he will suffer the crucifixion and to death. But what of the weight of the cross?

Researchers believe that there are two different scenarios here. One is Christ carried the whole cross that was believed to have weighed close to 300 pounds, or he carried the cross beam which would have weighed around 125 pounds. With these estimations and the stories out of the Gospels, we know Christ was flogged, beaten, and struck in the head before having to make that climb. So in his journey Christ simply stumbled, but Simon came to the lord and helped him finish his journey. Did Jesus look at Simon and tell him "No, I have got this"? No, he took the help and together they finished the walk. Either way, whether they carried the whole cross or the cross beam that's still weight that two men carried, and  one man didn't have to. Simon saw Jesus in need unable to continue alone and gave him a helping hand and that is something that is rare.

So what does this mean for the Christian people of the modern world? This says one thing, "You are not alone." This bold statement tells millions of people that what ever they are struggling with, that they do not have to do it alone. No matter if the battle is cancer, depression, job loss, unfair treatment, you are not subject to deal with it on your own. The story told in the Gospel shows that it is perfectly fine to let someone help carry your load. If Jesus Christ, the son of God, can take a helping hand then we as people of God can do the same with any feeling of shame.
We as humans are not forced to be down, to carry our crosses alone. We always have someone that can lighten the load. All you have to do is ask. And always remember that the lord our God is always listening to our prayers and will send comfort to those who are in need.

So in review I say simply the crosses we bear are heavy, but we are not forced to bear them alone. As Christ has Simon, so may we also have help on our difficult journeys.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Creation Vs. Evolution

In a debate that has been fought many times on so many battle fields we delve into the debate of creation vs. evolution.

In one corner you have creation, the belief of most faiths that God or in some faiths, gods, made all living creations, the planets, the stars, water, people, the whole nine yards. In this very common theory you have one person who is deemed as the Creator of all things.

In the second corner, you have the belief of the sciences that over a long period of time that things evolve from one point of being to another. Scientists have been doing research into the theory and believe they have evidence to support their research. In this line of questioning, there really is no room for God to have any credit for the work.

I propose a compromise that many people call, childish. In my proposition I say that both God and science can coexist nicely. What if God created the universe but over time it has been ever evolving. The credit ultimately go to God fir creating it all but science and nature and evolution are responsible for the changes in landscape and human evolution.

Giving Thanks

In our lives it is right that we give thanks to our God. From the time we are born God provides for the things that we need.

From the beginning of the world God has given his people all of things we need. God began with creation with Adam and the things of thus world. When Adam was in need he gave to Adam his wife, Eve. From there God gave them fruits to eat to sustain themselves.

Over time God had watched as his people grew in advancements. In the early days people prayed for guidance. People in their times of need got on their knees and asked God for help. People also praised God for things as simple as rain.

In our modern world we tend to forget about God and we instead give credit to things such as technology. We have moved on from giving credit to the Creator because we want to give ourselves credit. We have come a long way but we were given the initiative by God. We have always been given everything by God.

We as God's people must get back to giving him the praise for his works.

Giving Thanks Intro

We as a people of God must remember that through God we are saved and provided for. From the beginning of time it was God who provided a wife for Adam. It was God who provided Moses the courage and the words to free his people from Egypt. It was God who would send his son to die cruelly for our misdeeds. God is our provider, he is our father who teaches us to be self sufficient. So in all your works, give thanks to God.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Living For the Future

In life hurt is a common denominator. In everything we do, in all the people we meet, in all relationships we are in painful things can happen. As a people we are not perfect as God is perfect. Instead we are far from him.

But interestingly enough there is good news in the bad. No matter where we are in our lives God is watching over us. This is why we should remember that though bad things happen, those things do not have to control our lives.

Contrary to popular belief I think that God feels pain just like we do in our everyday lives. I believe when God sees a person of faith fall down in their faith or in sadness he himself is saddened.

That is one thing of which I am certain is that the bad things in our lives do not have to rule over our lives. At the time of the event we are discouraged and we feel saddened, but events in life were not designed to keep us down. Rather they are more like obstacles in a course that we as people of faith are meant to overcome. We humans are the masters of our lives and we worship God and give him thanks, but only we can change how we feel or control the emotions in our lives. We choose to feel bad, to feel good or to feel indifferent.

This is why I say do not let these things keep you down. And something that I make as a bold statement, is that if we are upset we only have ourselves weighing on that hurt. As you push through the pain and pray to God, you will feel his comfort. So do not fall on hard times alone, do not dread alone, give your concerns to God. Stop sitting in your hole, rather take God's hand and pull yourself up. And he moving up, getting closer and closer to God. Enjoy this life, the past is a learning experience and only hurts when you don't move on.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Marriage is a common occurrence and a blessed gift from God. For it was God in the garden that gave to Adam, Eve. Everyday people celebrate the sacrament of marriage and live happy lives together.

Marriage is a happy moment in anyone's life, a blessed union of two people that have become one before their families and before God. So why is it that we have been pushing into a world where marriage has become such a secret affair? Weddings are supposed to be happy times when two share their lives with the people that mean the most to them.

People in this day and age are so afraid of what the rest of the world has to say that they will hide the truth for so long and are afraid of the people that they are to share their joy with. What is the point in being happy when you can not share your joy with the world?

One bit of advice from a married person is if you want to be married then you ought to be happy and share that happiness with everyone around you. If a person makes you smile and is the center of your life why would you not share that with people. If a person were to love you why not spread that love with your friends and family.

If you are afraid of what your family might say or you can not bring the one you love around, or better yet if you can not express that you have feelings for a person that you want to marry to the people who have known you all of your life, then do you truly love that person? If God has brought a man or a woman into your life and you know that it is a gift from God and you know that God is blessing you with someone that he meant for you, why hide his good works? If you are meant to be in love and that love comes from God then only his judgement matters in your life.

But at the point where you can not express the works of God and the things that he has done for you, is there a problem. If a relationship is to come to fruition than it must be something that can be shared and something that is true. God intended his people to be happy people. As you would not hide your faith in God, so you should not hide the works of your God. If you have to hide a relationship from those that mean the most to you then at that time you should examine your love and with your partner decide what you want from your life.

The seriousness of your relationship comes from your ability to share with others and willingness to be expressive.

My own two cents are if I am not willing to tell the world that I love my wife, if I were afraid to tell my family that I love my wife, if I were willing to keep all that a secret and I never thought I could share that or wouldn't share it based on my personal selfishness, then at that point I would question whether or not I really loved her as much as I kept telling myself. The only person that keeps you from being happy is you. It is up to you to make sure that you have what you want and what you need.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Forgiveness is a common thing mentioned numerous times throughout the Bible. Forgiveness is a call to release a person from the wrongs that they have done to you.

People often beg forgiveness from God when they have done wrong and turn and do it again and ask forgiveness a second time. God's mercy is never ending and he loves his children. In john, chapter 3 verse 6, Jesus mentions those that believe in him but will have everlasting life.

But along with asking forgiveness from God, you must also be willing to show forgiveness to those who have done wrong to you. We can nor beg for forgiveness and then turn a blind eye to those who ask for our forgiveness.

Moral of the story is this, forgive and be forgiven.

Change in Times

In this new modern world has become a new trend of forgetfulness of biblical standards. In older times the world was much different. In the olden days neighbors were friendly people that you conversed with. People prayed together at Friday night football games, and God was the standard for people everywhere.

In our new modern world we have forgotten about God and we are focused so much on material things that we just can't take with us when we die. In the new age of electronics and expensive cars and Facebook, people tend to make God number 2 in their lives, if not farther back on the list.

As we try to live and remain God fearing people we must remember the one who created this world that we live on. The free will that he gave us to become rich and successful, we must strive to once again make God the most important aspect of our lives. If we push God away and make him unimportant in our lives then who are we? Surely when things go wrong in our lives who do we blame? When we are unsuccessful and we are at the end of our budgets who do we blame?

Remember your priorities and get back to the basics of life. God, family, and friends. Remember that with God's help we can do anything but we must first remember that he is the reason for our being. We must move things like Facebook, drinking, and things that block our view of the kingdom back. What in hell do you want when heaven has all that you need?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Standing in Your Faith

In recent months and weeks their have been reports through mainstream media of attacks involving religious division.

The truth is many people are afraid to share their faith because they are afraid of what might happen to them. In reality a person should never fear that what they believe may get them killed. Though I believe that I would like to live a long fulfilling life, I would never let anyone change my mind about what I believe.

I know that there are some out there who have other God's than my God, people who even believe that their is no God at all. I respect the rights of people to believe what they want but, I hold onto my right that I will not conform to what someone wants me to be.

The message I am sharing is be strong in your faith and have a strong heart. Do not let the actions of others or their words discourage you. The way you live your life and giving your life and your sins to God is what will matters. Be happy, be merciful, and be repentant.

A Test of Faith

A cross placed before you, nails, and a crown made of rose thorns.

These things placed in front of you in a room. Someone offers you the challenge to save a world full of people, all you have to do is carry that cross to the top of a hill and be nailed to it and be willing to die for complete strangers. You have the chance to do the most wonderful thing in the world, but do you take it?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Trusting God in Hard Times

In the rough times in our lives we seek out help to get over the humps in our lives. Sometimes that help can quickly turn to blame.

Many people are quick to blame God for the misadventures in life. The only problem with that is that God is always in our lives whether in good times or bad. It is our job to trust in God and not to curse him. God gives us the tools we need to get by and gives us the resources for comfort in the bad times. Despite all that many people are comfortable with asking the question "Where was God?"

God is a constant source in our lives and never leaves our sides. We never really see him and this often times leads to blaming him for the problems we have in our personal lives. God will never abandon us and asks that we trust him. In times of need only ask for comfort and let God take that situation out of our hands. His comfort may take time but those who believe in God and trust him, will receive the comfort he had available for us.

Dear God be with us in times of grieving, times of trouble, and times of need. We know what we want is not always what is best for us. Please guide us and direct us to live the lives you meant for us to have. Amen.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Christian Blog

Hi guys,
This is my new blog that I will be using o discuss faith based topics. I will update my blog daily as to give my friends something to read. Please feel free to join the discussions that I post.
Also feel free to recommend topics for discussion.