In a debate that has been fought many times on so many battle fields we delve into the debate of creation vs. evolution.
In one corner you have creation, the belief of most faiths that God or in some faiths, gods, made all living creations, the planets, the stars, water, people, the whole nine yards. In this very common theory you have one person who is deemed as the Creator of all things.
In the second corner, you have the belief of the sciences that over a long period of time that things evolve from one point of being to another. Scientists have been doing research into the theory and believe they have evidence to support their research. In this line of questioning, there really is no room for God to have any credit for the work.
I propose a compromise that many people call, childish. In my proposition I say that both God and science can coexist nicely. What if God created the universe but over time it has been ever evolving. The credit ultimately go to God fir creating it all but science and nature and evolution are responsible for the changes in landscape and human evolution.
I think you are onto something there actually. That is always what I have believed myself.