Thursday, October 11, 2012
Faith Can Save You From Drowning
Marketing Christianity
Over the last couple of years it has become all too common to find religious jewelry in department stores and clothing retailers. This has caused some questioning of the methods and motives of the stores carrying these items.
For instance the rosary can be found in many stores world wide, from it's use in the past as a reminder of prayer in the Catholic church, the rosary has now become a fashion statement and a necklace to be worn out. It leads some to believe that people sell these items now, not for religious purposes, but to gain a profit.
This in theory is a negative when the thought of what the rosary represents. The cross represents the cross used to crucify Christ. So in looking at it from the outside, companies are turning a profit on marketing the death of Jesus. And what is sadder still is that people often buy into the scheme. Sure there are some that buy the rosary from these places and use it to pray or to remind them of the sacrifice of Christ, but to some it's nothing more than a pretty piece of jewelry.
The agonizing death of Jesus was never intended to be used for gaining money. He died for the sins of man, to bring repentance to the people of God. His death is worth more than a 10 dollar pricetag.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
How Deep is Your Faith?
Imagine you are standing in front of a large crowd of angry people, their goal is to stop you from expressing your faith by any means necessary, even death. These same people follow you day in and day out, watching for you to stumble and make a mistake. The test is would you hold fast and stand your ground, even in the face of death?
In the Bible this is a common theme for the believers. We see this theme repeatedly with people like: Moses, Daniel, Jesus, Peter, and even Paul. In their own respective stories they were all tested and warned of their actions. They were threatened with beatings expulsion, or even death, but in the end stood through judgement and death. This leads me to my former question; What would you do?
Would you stand and teach through the fear of death or harsh punishments? Would you share the message of God even if it were illegal? This is a tough question for believers even when it doesn't have to be. Unfortunately for the people that have sat and pondered long and hard over the question and wondered what it is that you would say, the answer is so very simple and is easy as, yes or no.
God has a plan for all who believe on him and he knows the measure of each person who comes to the faith. He also knows that there will bee those who will die in his name. Those people who would be martyred in the name of God are held in esteem in the book of Revelations. They are clothed in white robes. Death is serious and at times a bit scary, but will come for us all eventually. Dying in the name of God is not a regrettable thing, it should be nothing to fear. The life that God's people are promised in his house is a prestigious life with God.
In many cases there are scenes where a gunman or someone with a weapon who asks the question, "Do you believe in God?", and someone replies "yes" and they are murdered for giving what that person believes is the wrong answer. Do not fear those who threaten you with sword, gun, or any other weapon, in the hopes of breaking your faith. It is only when we hold on to our great faith that we will be redeemed and that those who wish to do evil will lose.
This message I bring is discouraging to some and people must choose for themselves the lives they will lead, but all I say is hold close your faith in God and trust in him. God will not abandon you in the hour that you are called to testify of his name. Our God is great and he asks nothing of us that he would not do himself. Be strong, for our God is strong.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5:10-12
What is Faith?
What is faith? Faith is something that you believe in, with strong conviction. In our religious lives faith is in God or in Christ being the son of God. But to dig even deeper is to ask what is "Your" faith? Is your faith something you share privately? Is it something you wear proudly fir the whole world to see? Is your faith something that people torment you about?
God assures us as members of the faith that we are saved on our faith through him and the actions of his son.
But some of the faith are shaken by fear of oppression. Some fear the ability to speak when they are opposed. To this I say that you must be strong in your personal faith. What you believe is unique and special to you. The only person who can change your faith and what you believe in is you. Never be fearful of your faith. When someone questions your faith stand strong. People may tell you that you are wrong, but the only thing that matters is what you believe in.
Your faith in God is your saving grace, when you are in fear ask for God's guidance and he will lead you down the path he has set for you.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Saint Paul Pt. 2- The Early Ministry
After Paul's baptism he decided to go out and begin to teach. Paul wanted very much to teach people about his experience with Jesus and what happened to him on the road into Damascus. But he did not realize just how hard his message may be to bring to the new Christian movement.
Paul decided to begin preaching in Damascus and to be among the followers of Jesus that were there. He thought that sharing his message with people who were already believers would be easy. Paul never thought about the fact that his previous line of work would effect his ministry. The believers in Christ heard him and believed that he was speaking in contradiction:
"Isn't he the man who raised havok in Jerusalem among those who call his name?"(Acts 9:21)
The believers thought of it as something of a trap. They believed Paul was trying to trick them into trusting him so that he could turn then and arrest them for believing in Jesus.
After a couple of days the followers of Paul, his friends, had to help him escape because they learned of a secret plot to kill Paul. They had to lower Paul by night in a basket from the city walls. Paul would escape and return to Jerusalem where even the apostles of Jesus were afraid of him. They believed like the others that it was nothing more than a trap. Barnabas, a disciple, informed the others of what had happened to Paul on his journey to Damascus. Of his conversion and baptism.
Paul was an eager man willing to share his new found message of the grace of Jesus with everyone. He wanted to share with the Jewish people and the followers of Jesus, of his blindness and his instructions from the lord about what he must do. Unfortunately because of his past they were all too afraid to be around him or they did not trust him to be honest. After all he had been met by Jesus when he became blind, we was baptized after he regained his sight, and now all he wanted to do was share the good news of Jesus.
My message in all of this is never let your past get the best of you. We have all sinned in one way or another. But sin is wiped clean through repentance. Sin is washed away in the baptism in the name of Jesus. Sin was ultimately wiped away when Christ died on the cross for us. An amazing act of sacrifice, that one man would die for so many others. Do not let your past sins weigh you down. Repent and give those sins to God. Sharing the message with people should never be second priority to your past. The fact that you have moved on and become a person of God is a great triumph. Go out in your new life and teach men and woman and children alike about God and about the sacrifice made on the cross. Some times even sharing your personal story of your triumph over sin will make for a more personal sharing experience.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saint Paul Pt.1- Saul the Accuser
In the book of Acts we are introduced to a new character in the Bible's story of Jesus. His name is Saul Paulus, he is a Roman citizen and a member of the Pharisees. We know him today by his honorary title of Saint Paul but who was he originally and how did he effect the early church?
We see Saul in the book of Acts chapter 7, verse 58. This particular story is about a young apostle to Christ, called Stephen. Stephen has made a speech before the Sanhedrin and the religious leaders and the high priest. In his speech he accuses the religious leader of being arrogant and resisting God's will. The religious leaders are not happy with what Stephen is saying so "They covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began attorney stone him."(Acts 7:57-58)
At the stone, as the book of Acts describes was a young man named Saul, "And Saul approved of their killing him."(Acts 7:60) As we see thee scene unfold even further in chapter 8, we see Saul get approval to go house to house and take both men and women who believed in Jesus and began to put them in prison.
In chapter 9 Saul goes to the high priest and ask permission that he migtht go to Damascus and begin to arrest those there that might belong to "The way" and bring them back to Jerusalem. We are never given much clarification as to why Saul is so against the growing Christian movement but we are shown in these couple of chapters that he is willing to do what ever it takes to have them arrested. We can only assume that it is because of his duties of being a Pharisee, that he is so out against the followers of Jesus. As the chapter moves into verse 3 we see that a light is shown from heaven and a bright light has blinded Saul. A voice(Jesus) begins to call out to him asking "why do you persecute me"
As he says this Saul asks simply, who are you? And the voice replies again,
"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting, get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you are to do"
So Saul is led by his companions into the town of Damascus and was blind for three days until a believer in Christ called, Ananias, came to Saul after being instructed by God to come and restore Saul's sight. God told Ananias "I will shoe him how much he must suffer for my name." At this point after he regains his sight, he is baptized.
So from a man of the religious realm of the Jewish faith, a man devoted to arresting the members of the new Christian movement, to a newly baptized Christian. This conversion at this point in time would have been a very difficult one for Paul because of his standing as a Pharisee. He too would become one if the men that he sought out to be arrested for proclaiming Jesus name.
This simply goes to show God's power. When God appears to men in the Bible, Moses, Saul, and any others he shows them that he is God and that it is his will to be done, not the will of man. As Saul was blind before he accepted, he was now given sight through the grace of God for having accepted him. We are like Saul, we must do what God has for us to do, or we will wonder blindly without his guidance.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
End Time Preaching: Fact or Fiction?
Over the years many people have sought to answer the questions of the end times. Since the time that the Bible was assembled many have debated and asked questions of the book of Revelations. The book is a prophecy, visions that were given to St. John of things to come. But the one thing that the book of Revelations is not very clear about is when all these great and wonderful and even terrible things will come to pass. Over the last few years some extreme church groups have preached "The end is near" or plastered billboards. Some have quoted Nostradamus or ancient Indian predictions to figure out the time when God will make his return.
This question has put people in opposition for years. Because of the vague nature of the time that these things will take place, has made the church curious and caused divisions among the churches. Some speculate that some of the events in the book of Revelations have already come to pass. While some churches put no faith at all in the book, but call it a colorful work of fiction. The one aspect that some overlook is the fact while God gave the visions to John, the timing in accordance to being God's people does not matter much.
If we are as Christian people who live, work, and walk by faith the timing for the "End Times" wouldn't matter. Many new age theorists look at December 12, 2012 as the date that the world will end. But as I post the question why are we people of God concerned with the time of the end? It would seem to me that God works by his own times and methods. If this is true then we as his people need only trust him and follow his commandments. I can assure you that all the things God says he will do, he does but it should be of no concern to those of the faithful. We already know in the end that those who are faithful and seek repentance and are baptised for our forgiveness will be among those accepted into heaven. Those who fear and wait and watch for the end and have not sought out forgiveness according to the Bible are the people with the most to fear.
Some associate this fear in apocalyptic times with the popular "Left Behind" novels. The novels by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye published in 1995, portray a story of the great rapture that happens in which the firm believers in God are taken from the earth into heaven in an instant. Those people who have been left behind begin to panic over these disappearances. These novels are loosely based on the idea of the Bible's book of Revelations along with other Biblical references to the end of times. These novels were only ever intended to be a way to relate Christianity to religious fiction and make a new way for people to understand God's words. The stories were never meant to be used as ant sort of realistic nature or cause panic, but some people not understanding this took the novels to be a literal work of truth.
We see in the book of Matthew, chapter 24, Jesus is speaking about the unknown hour in which the son of man will return:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."(verse 36)
So as we have been instructed we must always keep watch of our faith, do those things that God called of us to do and never stray from those teachings. We must be baptised and repent all things for in that hour God will being all his people together and the glorious will be judged and also the wicked ones. As the old saying goes about all those things that are done in the dark, they will come out into the light. Be a person who follows the commandments and does the work of the son of God. We never have to fear the end of time unless there are things that we have to hide.
Friday, October 5, 2012
My Ministry
Many people approach me and want to know about my ministry and I am only too glad to share my thoughts on that. I have specific beliefs that I follow in accordance to the words spoken by Christ.
In my own experience I have seen the words of God and Jesus used against people. I have seen individuals who have been kept out of doors of the church because of their past, their creed, or their beliefs. I believe this to be wrong on the part of most organized churches. A person's past is one of the reasons why some people feel that they are not accepted in the church. Looking back at Scripture we see that Jesus did not always surround himself with the cleanest of people.
Past sins in some churches are highly looked down on. Sometimes even to the point of bringing up transgressions that a person had long since committed and asked forgiveness for. Some of these transgressions include people suffering from alcoholism, substance abuse, or past criminal offenses. Some churches or church goers keep a record of the past wrong doings of others and constantly look down on a parishioner for these past deeds. Some people are even denied acceptance to some churches because of their questionable pasts. But I believe that this is not what Christ himself intended. I believe as many do that his teachings were intended for forgiveness of the past and rebuilding who you are.
Mark 2:7 states "Jesus said to them, it is not the healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I come not to call the righteous, but sinners."
The ministry of Christ was a revolutionary one of it's time, instead of putting sinners down in their places and having them feel the burden of their wrong doings, he called for those who have sinned to come to repentance. Christ believed in a method of calling out to those who had made wrong choices and telling them to choose a different path. In another instance, a woman is brought before Jesus being accused of an act of adultery. They seek his approval to stone her and he says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" (John 8:7). The crowd begins to die down and Jesus inquires to where the accusers are and she replies to the question and said there are none. From there Christ replies, "Then neither do I condemn you, go your way and sin no more." (John 8:11)
From these passages of Scripture we begin to see not a condemning Christ, but rather a Jesus that appeals to the need to wash away sin. So the question must be sought out as to why we as Christians, who model ourselves after Christ practice a completely different doctrine than the man whom we follow?
Many new age Christians feel that they are compelled to remind people of the fact that they are sinners and that they will suffer for their deeds. In the realm of following Christ, however, is wrong. If we are to be like the risen Christ and we are to go into the world and teach his message, we must follow his teachings in the manner in which he did. Christ was a benevolent being who sought change, he gathered the 12, taught them a new doctrine in which God was a God of mercy, which was contrary to the teachings of the Jewish people.
My ministry stems from a very literal examination of exactly what Christ said. My ministry, and my church one of these days, God willing, will follow these words Christ shared about sin and forgiveness. I believe my doors will be open to those who seek to know God, willing to wash away sin and begin a new life in Christ. I believe that any person can seek and receive forgiveness, therefore their past deeds don't matter when they walk into the house of the lord. For who am I to be the judge of a person's wrong doings? There is a person in which judgement is reserved for and that is God. My ministry is open to anyone who seeks to know about God and Jesus, those who want to be baptised, and those looking for a place to feel welcomed.
"For God did not send his son into the world to condemn it, but rather to save it through him" John 3:17
God Will Bring the Rain
A lot of popular stories come to mind when thinking about hardship and faith in God. None more so than those of the hardworking farmers trying to plant their crops to feed their families. Some of these stories are saddening, tales of people down on their luck, people sometimes even praying for a miracle to happen.
A farmer down on his luck, his crops dying because of a horrible drought that has hit. He has sustained his farm for years and is the only means of feeding his family. On the verge of losing it all he cries out "God, why me?" The terrible weather makes it so hot that the farmer can barely stand it.
Still months go by and no sign of rain and the poor farmer fears that he will loose his farm, his home, and his dignity. He walks outside and surveys his farm and he bows his head. "God I know that you can hear me and I apologize for my stubborn behavior. All I ask is that you provide rain, that I may have crops so that I may provide for my family. Amen." As he walked back in the house he noticed small droplets of water coming from the sky. Rain. The farmer, astonished, raises his hands in celebration.
At that moment God spoke to the farmer saying "I am your God, the Creator of heaven and earth. I have seen your hardships and I have heard your prayers. Know this, that I have a plan for you and I have always had a plan for you. To those who love me and do my will I will provide for them. My actions may not be at that moment, but as I said, I have a plan for your life. And even though I heard your prayers, it was not yet time for me to act. To those who love me, I will provide for. As I have given you this rain. You must never lose faith in me." And God left that place.
The farmer began rejoicing God and crying in his happiness. God had provided and his family would not grow hungry.
We are like the farmer in this story, we stumble through life and we have times when life is not easy, but we must remember that God has a plan for all of his people. We all have wants and needs in our mortal life but in God's view he provides in his own time what he believes we need. If we are patient and we wait on God's time, then we will be taken care of. Though we may not see God working at the speed in which we may want him to or we may not see the fruits that we have asked for right away, if we wait on God's time he will provide what we need.
People around the world fret over money, transportation, a roof over their own heads. I myself have been there and like many I blamed God for my issues in which I knew were not his fault. My truck was on it's last leg and my wife and I were denied left and right for attempts at leasing a new car. I was so angry that I asked God "Why me?", Then God took me to school. One day after getting a recommendation from my sister to go visit a local car dealer, we went and sat in the office and explained our situation. We informed the dealer that my truck wad dying, and after months of people telling us, "no", we finally got a new car. All that time I cursed God and proclaimed my good deeds openly and thought that I deserved something for my actions. What I learned was that God was there and was waiting for his time, not mine. The moment that I finally gave up my blaming God did he bless my family.
So if your facing some kind of difficulty, if you think that your prayers are not being heard, do not be mistaken. God is the beginning and the end and knows all things including your pain and suffering. He does not watch to pain you, he doesn't do it to mock you. He does because he is in his own time and I believe they he knows best what he wants for you. So do not fret about money, where you will sleep, or what you will eat because God will provide for you. You must be ready to receive his gifts.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Letting Go of the Past
In life we do not always make decisions that are beneficial to us. We as human beings are prone to making mistakes.
Many times in life will we stumble and fall before we pick ourselves up and do glorious things.
The master catch and the key question is will the weight of the past continually weigh us down? Will you continue day by day to punish yourself for things you have done in the past?
If one time in your life you fell to the ground would you not want to be up off the ground? We as people of God know that there is the gift of redemption. We know that our God in his awesome wonder created through his son a system of forgiveness. With outstretched arms did he die and for our sins. All that was ever asked of us as the children of God is repentance and love. If it is so easy and within grasp why not grab it and be forgiven? Some people are determined to to hold on.
The most amazing thing is God's lovge is never ending for his children. An amazing concept of the way God's love works is in the Gospel story of the crucifixion. Christ after being nailed to the cross cries out to God and offers a pardon for those who would do wrong to him. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Those amazing concept is one that is open to all the believers. So I ask if God accepts your sins and openly forgives you and wipes the slate clean, why hold on to your past sins?
Or maybe the sin your holding isn't your sin but someone who had sinned against you. Well here is how you look at that. We all want forgiveness. But sometimes you have to be the bigger person and give the forgiveness. Maybe someone I'm your past has hurt you and you hold that thing they've done against them. In reality grudges are never fun. Yes they may make your intended target feel bad but in reality we always have to be the bigger person. Maybe you say that what they have done to you is so bad it is unforgivable. Well remember that if one man can endure the punishment for the sins of many, then we as lesser beings with a lot less sin to account for can probably forgive someone that hurt us. Also remember that as long as you choose to hold on to that memory, the longer that it will control you. So forgive that person and move on with your life.
In this life and in the next your sins will either be judged or they will be washed away. So in my honest opinion it is so much better to let it go and give that sin to God. Quit holding on to the past and the sins you've committed. Happiness comes from moving onward, you are only unhappy because you allow yourself to be unhappy. Go into the world knowing your sins are forgiven and be happy.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Lasting Relationships
What is a relationship? According to the dictionary it is an emotional connection or other association between people. It is a paring of one or more people that a shared interest. The more binding question is how to make a long lasting relationship. For some it is a simple gesture, for some it is the hardest thing in the world. So how do people of God build special, long lasting relationships with one another?
For starters an honest relationship takes two people looking to be happy. Any relationship must be founded on what is beneficial and loving between two people. With the new view of relationships set by the media and the public's perception of Hollywood, that doesn't leave much for people to build on. The average marriage in this day and age seems to be between 3 and 10 years. This leads people to believe that they can follow the examples set by the Hollywood starlets to make a relationship. The real question is, are these people following the rule of "Do what makes you happy"? Most celebrity marriages fail because some are merely based on the power card. Two top Hollywood stars marrying makes for a power couple. But back in the real world, most people fight for a relationship to withstand the test of time.
Happiness is found when the two people come together and the experience is meaningful and brings joy to two people. For example, you would not see a combination of two people (in most cases) that want to kill one another. Most relationships are grounded in this behavior and most individuals seek out a similar person who will share in their happiness. The reason happiness is import is because if you are not happy it will lead to a division between the couple because of disagreement in feelings. If one person in the relationship is not happy it is almost a guarantee that the other party will not be happy either. The main goal of happiness is to ensure that both people are comfortable. You begin to see in the body language of some people change when their mood begins to change towards another.
Decision making is another key factor in making a working relationship, especially in those looking into getting married. For those looking into being wed, listen up. When you get married two people will become one in union with God. So decisions will be split evenly between man and woman, husband and wife. No longer will two people be split, in most cases. In a lasting relationship the decision making will be something that the two of you will agree upon and in the end will make you happy. For instance, the division of money and the payment of bills is something to be decided equally, the religious upbringing of children in the relationship, or even the decision to have children is something to be agreed on. When one person favors something more or less than the other member of the relationship then usually there is a problem, and in order to make the relationship work there must be a mutual agreement of some variety reached.
If there is not an agreement made then talking to one another should be done or also looking into the comparability of the relationship itself should be done. This stems back to happiness. Agreeing on feelings from one person to the next will make both parties happy. This again is why most people find favorable people to begin a relationship with. These people share common goal sets, they have common interests in music or television. People seeking to have children commonly seek out people similar to them that have the desire to have children. Thus it is a safe assumption before considering getting married, map out your goals and see what the two of you ant commonly from your marriage. If there are no similarities then sit down and map out a five year plan to let each other know where the other one wants to be in that time. These things will help you in building comparability with the person in whom you show an interest.
For those having issue with relationships, there is always the counseling method. With most marriage or relationship counselors, they examine the relationship as a whole and begin to look for the places where the partnership is incomplete. From this the two people try to come to terms and see why the relationship has not or is not working. The counselor serves as a moderator for the conversation and helps to move along the process in a healthy and orderly manor. Most commonly couples will seek out a pastor or a priest from their local place of worship. This can from time to time be helpful because being a person that is close to the individuals involved can more clearly read the expressions of the couple and have had time to get to personally know the two. Some churches, Catholics, primarily require couples wanting to get married to attend classes on preparedness. These classes examine the relationship, wants, concerns, and help couples building strong lasting relationships with one another. The classes are not forced by most church communicaties but are highly recommended.
The last key to a working relationship and is the most important aspect of where your marriage is headed is, where is God in your relationship? God is the key to all things. He is the father of all things and Creator of heaven and earth. He is the beginning and the end and the most important part of any lasting relationship. Where you put God can be the building block of a healthy relationship, or the wrecking ball. God will provide for those people that trust in him and do his work faithfully. Those who believe and ask forgiveness of their sins will be forgiven in the time of judgement. Faith is important when joining two people especially when there are children involved in the equation. Deciding what faith to bring the child up as is important and a decision some people struggle with. Children tend to mimic the actions of their parents. It is important to know what you want to teach your children because as they grow older the actions or inactions will effect their personality. Teaching them a belief system is a great thing as they will begin to gave their own relationship with God that they can build on. But in order to accomplish this you must first decide what you want to teach them. Putting God first is always a great idea as the fact that if you don't, some times it may get pushed to the back burner or forgotten. It is also easier to teach young ones about God earlier on so that they will no have to play catch up later on in life. Also it is important for a couple to put God first in a relationship in order to more easily express your feelings. As Christians we set boundary lines for our actions and if we forget God and act as though he is not present then it will show in our actions.
So we see now the importance of the relationship and the foundations we build. We see the need in team work with the decisions that we will make everyday, we see that happiness is a key in keeping couples together longer because two people coexist better when they are both happy instead of not. We also see that it is key to know God and know where it is that we put him in our relationships. More simply put and in fewer words I leave you with these words of wisdom:
Go out into the world and find eventually that person that shares your goals, makes you happy, loves God and loves you. These things will be the foundation for the rest of your life.
Have a good day and God bless you.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Story of the Elder Fisherman
The younger man was always resistant to the teachings of his grandfather, he always dreamed of what it would be like to travel around the world. He never really paid much attention to what his grandfather taught the two young men and constantly complained about being out on the boat with his grandfather and his brother.
Years would pass and the elder fisherman would had died. The eager grandson had taken his grandfather's place and was now a successful fisherman in his village and made a lot of money and raised up a family where he now taught his own sons to fish.
His resistant brother had returned to the village tired of traveling. He took what money he had and bought a small fishing boat and tried his hand at fishing but was not very successful in catching fish. He remembered the days when he would go out with his grandfather and his brother and fish. He now wished that he would have taken the time to learn exactly what his grandfather was trying to teach him.
After a few days his brother spotted him and knew that he was not having the best luck and told his brother to come aboard his boat. The second brother said with shame, "I am not very good at this, as I did not listen to what our grandfather had to say to us as children."
The second brother looked with a smile on his face. "Brother you are my friend and I will teach you how to fish and we one day will pass on this business to our children. The lessons we teach will make them successful. But only if they follow the lessons and put them to good use."
The moral to this story is that you can teach someone something but you can not hold their hand and make them listen to you. You can be a good person and teach people, but some people in life will go astray. All we can do is pray that the lessons we have taught stay with them and that they become great people.