Thursday, October 4, 2012

Letting Go of the Past

In life we do not always make decisions that are beneficial to us. We as human beings are prone to making mistakes.

Many times in life will we stumble and fall before we pick ourselves up and do glorious things.

The master catch and the key question is will the weight of the past continually weigh us down? Will you continue day by day to punish yourself for things you have done in the past?

If one time in your life you fell to the ground would you not want to be up off the ground? We as people of God know that there is the gift of redemption. We know that our God in his awesome wonder created through his son a system of forgiveness. With outstretched arms did he die and for our sins. All that was ever asked of us as the children of God is repentance and love. If it is so easy and within grasp why not grab it and be forgiven? Some people are determined to to hold on.

The most amazing thing is God's lovge is never ending for his children. An amazing concept of the way God's love works is in the Gospel story of the crucifixion. Christ after being nailed to the cross cries out to God and offers a pardon for those who would do wrong to him. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Those amazing concept is one that is open to all the believers. So I ask if God accepts your sins and openly forgives you and wipes the slate clean, why hold on to your past sins?

Or maybe the sin your holding isn't your sin but someone who had sinned against you. Well here is how you look at that. We all want forgiveness. But sometimes you have to be the bigger person and give the forgiveness. Maybe someone I'm your past has hurt you and you hold that thing they've done against them. In reality grudges are never fun. Yes they may make your intended target feel bad but in reality we always have to be the bigger person. Maybe you say that what they have done to you is so bad it is unforgivable. Well remember that if one man can endure the punishment for the sins of many, then we as lesser beings with a lot less sin to account for can probably forgive someone that hurt us. Also remember that as long as you choose to hold on to that memory, the longer that it will control you. So forgive that person and move on with your life.

In this life and in the next your sins will either be judged or they will be washed away. So in my honest opinion it is so much better to let it go and give that sin to God. Quit holding on to the past and the sins you've committed. Happiness comes from moving onward, you are only unhappy because you allow yourself to be unhappy. Go into the world knowing your sins are forgiven and be happy.

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